2002 – Carl Henrik Heldin
Molecular Cell Biology, Uppsala University Biomedical Center
Uppsala, Sweden
The AACR honors Dr. Carl-Henrik Heldin for his outstanding contributions to our understanding of growth factor-mediated signal transduction in mammalian cells, particularly platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and PDGF-mediated signaling. From the beginning of his career, Dr. Heldin focused on the mechanisms that control the growth of cells in culture, in the hope that this would lead to a greater understanding of the lack of growth control characteristics of cancer cells. Over the following two decades, Dr. Heldin played a major role in unraveling the mysteries of mitogenic stimulation and the molecules that cells produce that govern this process. In 1994, Dr. Heldin and his colleagues reported the characterization of type I receptors for TGF-β and activin and have since contributed regularly to molecular clarification of TGF-β signal transduction. In addition to his original research discoveries, Dr. Heldin has been exceptionally generous in contributing his time and knowledge to numerous scientific advisory committees, review committees, and twenty-three journal editorial boards as editor or associate editor.
Dr. Heldin received his PhD in Medical and Physiological Chemistry from the University of Uppsala in 1980. He then served as a Research Assistant and Lecturer in that department. After completing a two-year Cancer Research Scholarship from the Swedish Cancer Society in 1983, Dr. Heldin joined the Swedish Cancer Society as a Senior Scientist. In 1986, Dr. Heldin was appointed the Director of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, a position he holds today. He is also a Professor in Molecular Cell Biology at the Medical Faculty of Uppsala University.

President Bernardi with Dr. Heldin