Cancer research also relies on donations

Each and every donation to cancer research benefits all of us.
The goal of cancer research is to save lives by advancing knowledge, which are the base for the adoption of preventive and early diagnosis measures, and the development of increasingly effective treatments.
Every discovery is the result of the work of many people and many specialties, all of which are essential to success and explain the complexity and the amount of resources required.

Who supports cancer research

Cancer research is normally funded by public institutions, private entities and individual donations, all of which are necessary and none of them is sufficient on its own.

How can I contribute to cancer research?

The Pezcoller Foundation originated from the will of Dr. Alessio Pezcoller, who after having dedicated his entire life to the care of the patients, decided to continue his commitment through the Foundation, to which he donated his entire property.
The Foundation’s activities have increased over time thanks to donations and bequests from many people who have shared this project to support cancer research.

All donations received by the Foundation are exclusively used for:

The fight against cancer is a common effort
from which we can all benefit and to which we can all contribute, to the extent of our possibilities.
There are several modalities to be used:

  • Testamentary legacies
  • Scolarships: 1 year €30,000 / 2 years €60,000
  • Seminars/Educational activities: from €2,000 to €10,000 each
  • Training Fellowship: €1,000 each
  • Smaller contributions are welcome, all of which are individually acknowledged and reported on our communication channels.

If the donor wishes, we would be pleased to be contacted directly so that together we can figure out the best way to value each contribution.

For more information, please contact the Secretariat at 0461 980250 or at

Request information for donations