Pezcoller Fellowships
and Research Grants
Two-year € 30,000/year fellowships for Italian researchers, awarded on a competitive basis in collaboration with the Italian Society of Cancerology (SIC), for cancer research projects.
We thank all the donors who make them possible. You too can make your contribution in the fight against cancer, find out how.
The recipients of the 2025/26 fellowships have been during the 64th SIC Annual Meeting (Milan, 25-27 September 2024):
- Gabriele Antonarelli – IEO Milano (Borsa Marcello Marchi)
- Lucrezia Camicia – CRO Aviano (Borsa Bruna Scrinzi e Andrea Costa de Probizer 1)
- Mattia Colucci – Casa Sollievo Sofferenza, S. Giovanni Rotondo (Borsa Bruna Scrinzi e Andrea Costa de Probizer 2)
- Andrea Costamagna – Università di Torino (Borsa Maria Luisa Degaspari Ronc)
- Maria Valeria Giuli – Università Sapienza Roma (Borsa Ferruccio ed Elena Bernardi)
- Gaetana Porcelli – Università di Palermo (Borsa Marina Larcher Fogazzaro 1)
- Jessica Ruzzolini – Università di Firenze (Borsa Marina Larcher Fogazzaro 2)