The Pezcoller Foundation – Marina Larcher Fogazzaro PhD Fellowship
Thanks to the generous donation of Ms. Marina Larcher Fogazzaro, starting from 2020, the Pezcoller Foundation will support a three-year scholarship for a PhD Candidate of the PhD Program in Biomolecular Sciences at the Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology (CIBIO – University of Trento) for a cancer research project.
2023- 2026 Recipient: Elisa Marmocchi
with the project Development of immuno-oncology strategies for immunologically “cold” tumors coordinated by Prof. Andrea Lunardi
Immuno-oncology is substantially improving the prognosis of several tumor types. While some tumors are particularly responsive to immunologic strategies, others are considered poorly suited to such clinical approaches either because the presence of immune system cells within them is reduced or because the tumor cells do not have characteristics such that they are easily recognized and eliminated by immune cells-immunologically cold tumors.
The project, involving close collaboration between the groups of Professors Lunardi, Romanel and Grandi from the CIBIO Department in Trento, Italy, and Dr. Ternette from the Nuffield Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford, UK, aims to define precise strategies to circumvent both of these obstacles.
Specifically, the first step will be to identify precise inflammatory stimuli capable of attracting T-type and Natural Killer lymphocyte cells inside the tumor; the second will be to make these cells capable of recognizing and eliminating tumor cells through genetic engineering approaches for generating CAR-T and CAR-NK immune cells combined with vaccine strategies.

Elisa Marmocchi, recipient of the 2023-2026 Pezcoller Foundation – Marina Larcher Fogazzaro PhD Fellowship

Elisa Marmocchi, borsista 2023-2026 | PhD Candidate, diCIBIO – UNITN

Trento, 20 febbraio 2024: Cerimonia di Consegna Borse di Dottorato 2023-26, in Rettorato

Elisa Facen, 2020-2023 recipient